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Forms & Information

School Lunch




Our church and school created Child and Adult Protection Program (CAPP) guidelines for our workers and volunteers that work with and care for our children and at-risk adults. The CAPP program is designed to provide a safe learning and work environment for children, at-risk adults, staff members, and volunteers.


All employees and volunteers who work with children and at-risk adults at St. John’s Lutheran must comply with the CAPP certification guidelines. We provide training and partnership for the volunteers and staff of St. John’s so that all may serve with confidence and joy.


Click below for forms and information:


Contact the school office for CAPP training dates.


Next training will be Wednesday, August 24 at 6:30


Parent Teacher League

Our Parent Teacher League helps the home and school work together for the welfare of the students.  The PTL also organizes fundraisers and plans school spirit and family activities to enhance our school ministry.


Parents are encouraged to help direct this group by serving as a leader or by volunteering when asked.  PTL needs the support of parents and teachers and their willingness to do their part.  All parents are invited to become active members of our PTL.



 Check out our PTL Facebook page for activities and information.



Click here to see our school fundraiser



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